Why website uptime monitoring is important
Uptime monitoring is vital for your business. you might say, surely my website will always just be up and running. Theoretically yes, but things can go wrong – servers have hard drives, memory issues, upgrades which can cause issues but most concerning no matter how much hosting companies do to block them – hackers do get in and play havoc when they do!
Uptime monitoring helps your business in many ways:
1. You protect the professional image of your business
A professional brand image is important. The brand image of your business depends on the level of customer satisfaction.
Frequent downtime issues can jeopardise the reputation of your online business. Monitoring your website is the best way to prevent these unwanted hazards and protect the image of your business.
2. You keep your customers happy
If your customers frequently access your website, you need high levels of uptime to ensure that your customers are happy.
If a downtime issue is unresolved for a prolonged period of time, then chances are quite likely that your customers will move on to a competitor.
3. You prevent losing sales
Frequent downtime issues can lead to lost sales. Some years ago, Amazon was down for only two hours. This led to a loss of $3.48 million. Website uptime is vital to online stores.
4. You make sure that your pages get good search engine rankings
Google does not like websites that are down. If your website comes up with constant downtime issues for one or more days, then it can suffer a huge setback in how your site is ranked by Google in its search results.
The search rankings of your web pages are influenced by the downtime and the speed of your website.
5. You detect hackers fast
One of the potential reasons that can lead to downtime are hackers. If a hacker inserts malicious code in your website then your website will be damaged. Website monitoring (and checking your pages for particular words) informs you about downtime and potential hacking attempts as they happen.
Team Discovery wants to assure all our clients and potential clients that uptime is our top priority. Team Discovery uses a number of uptime monitoring systems to protect our servers and client’s websites. Talk to us if you would like to know more.