Factor #2 Keyword appearing in Top Level Domain
The keyword within your domain name is so important. Search any keywords in a live domain name, you will find that the domain will be at the top organic search result (or very close).The domain name is also important as this is what people…
Leading Cyber Security Firm Hacked: Database Stolen and Published on Twitter
Hacking Team, a controversial and leading cybersecurity firm based in Italy, was humiliated early this month when its client database was hacked and published online by hackers.The Hacking Team staff woke up to the worst-case scenario of…
Optimize your WordPress Database with WP-Optimize
If you're using WordPress I'm sure you are also wondering how to optimize it to make to make your website lightning-quick.There's so many ways to optimize your website. Today I just want to discuss one of the most popular plugins used for…
Social media is making millions for fake products
Social media is making millions for fake products so why are you not succeeding using it for your real products?The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory authority (MHRA) have criticised major social networks such as Facebook and…
Using Tables Of Contents on your WordPress Post/Page
One of the keys to having a successful website is through quality content. On the face of it this is true, but some people are missing the point about what quality content really is. A blog post or article should be informative and engaging,…
…how do I use LinkedIn?
One could never truly decide which is the most influential social media platform. For those with B2C products it might be FaceBook or Pinterest, for journalists it might be Twitter or LinkedIn. LinkedIn is currently one of the most important…
Google’s surreptitious shake up
Google is notorious for the secrecy of its search algorithms. Google has treated its algorithms with such secrecy no one outside of Google knows truly what it is. Even the employees who leave Google do not know what the algorithm truly is anymore…
The most valuable resource available
Time is so incredibly precious to us all. Much research has been done into how time really works. Many novels have been written about time travel. Most of us have wished for more time. I myself would pay a lot of money to acquire more time during…
The importance of Social Media
Traditional advertising does not to have the same effect as it once did. Buying TV time and advertising in the yellow pages does not quite fill the space it once used too. The consumers can get around the traditional techniques of advertising.…